How Much Do Domain Names Cost?
Purchase a .com, .net, .org, .info,
.biz or .us domain name:
$11.95/year for a two year
$12.95/year for a one year
Special Offer: All domains are automatically protected from hijacking with our
free TransferShield Service.
No hidden costs, no additional Internic fees. It is a
one-time fee for the exact same service other domain Registrar companies like Network
Solutions/Verisign want to charge you $35 for. For your convenience you can
register by Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover.
New: Now accepting
registrations for .CC, .TV and .BZ
.CC and .BZ are $44.95 per year, while .TV is
$49.95/yr. Register for two years and save $2/registration!